Publications in Journals
Cross-Sectional Analysis of Overseas General Practitioners' Opioid Prescribing Patterns in England (with J. Madia, C. Orso and C. Tealdi). Under review
Machine Learning and Multiple Abortions (with P. Kumar, C. Quintana and S. Oreffice). Under review
Should I Stay or Should I go: the Effects of Long-Term Care Provision Setting on Hospitalizations (with H.M. Hernández-Pizarro , G. López-Casanovas and M. Serrano-Alarcón). Under review
The Effect of Socioeconomic Deprivation on Provider Outpatient Medicare Part D Claims for Antibiotics Among Older Patients in the US (with M. Al Mohajer, D. Sluksy and D. Nix). Under review
Starting School and ADHD: When Is It Time to Fly the Nest? (with J. Vidiella Marti and C. Nicoletti). Under review
Effect of Immigration on the Fertility Decisions of Natives (with L. Salmasi and K. Shomali). Under review
GP Practice Online Reviews before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic (with J. Vidella, J. Powell and G. Khandamiryan). Under review
Bridging the Pulse: Exploring Inequalities in Diabetes and Hypertension Medication Prescriptions in Spain's Immigrant and Native Communities (with J. Madia and L. Boggian). R&R in Economics and Human Biology
The Impact of Miscarriage on Self-Harm and Psychiatric Disorders among First-time Pregnant Women: Evidence from a UK Linkage Study (with C. Bolbocean, A. Coomarasamy, J. Hippisley-Cox, S. Quenby, L. Smith and S. Petrou). R&R in Health Economics
Ethnicity and Health at Work during the COVID-19 (with J. Madia and F. Moscone). R&R in Regional Science and Urban Economics
Will more GPs reduce Planned Hospital Admissions? Theory and Evidence for Gatekeeper GPs (with F. Innocenti and B. McCormick). Forthcoming in Economic Modelling
Does the Medical School Ranking Impact Provider Outpatient Medicare Part D Claims for Antibiotics Among Older Patients in the US? (with M. Al Mohajer, D. Sluksy and D. Nix). Forthcoming in JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance
The association between COVID-19 status and Health, social care, and societal costs in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from a UK symptom surveillance digital survey (with S.W. Kim, C. Alacevich, R. Wittenberg, S. de Lusignan and S. Petrou). Forthcoming in Pharmaeconomics Open
Information and Incentives: Evaluating Strategies to Improve Quality in Public Primary Care (with R. Esteban-Fabró, E. Coma, E. Hermosilla, L. Méndez-Boo, C. Guiriguet, G. Facchini and J. Vidal-Alaball). Forthcoming in The Lancet
The Effects of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme in England on Patient Outcomes (with C. Salisbury and S. Petrou). Forthcoming in British Journal of General Practice
Public service motivation, public sector preference and employment of Kenyan medical doctor interns: a cross-sectional and prospective study (with D. Waweru, D. Gathara, G. McGivern, J. Nzinga, M. English and D. Gathara). Human Resources for Health, September 2024
Addressing fiscal uncertainty: Proposing policy pathways for enhancing economic growth and fertility rates in South Korea (with F. Moscone, J. Madia, J-C. An and C. Lee). Research in Economics, September 2024
How did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Cancer Patients in England who had Hospital Appointments Cancelled? (with J. Lonsky and S. Redding). Social Science and Medicine, July 2024
Eight years into the horizon of aspirational maternal and newborn health pledges: a nationwide cross-sectional exploration of the Burundian EmONC network capacity and budget deficits (with M. English, D. Habonimana and A. Leckcivilize). BMJ Open, May 2024
Trends and determinants of clinical staff retention in the English NHS: A double retrospective cohort study (with G. Moscelli, M. Sayli and M. Mello). BMJ Open, April 2024
Overseas GPs and Prescription Behaviour in England (with C.E. Orso and C. Tealdi). Health Policy, January 2024
Immigration and health outcomes: A study on native health perception and limitations in Europe (with M. Bazzoli, J. Madia and F. Podesta). Economic Modelling, December 2023
The influence of internship training experience on Kenyan and Ugandan doctors' career intentions and decisions: a qualitative study. (with Y. Zhao, D. Mbuthia, D.S. Ankomisyani, C. Blacklock, D. Gathara, S. Molyneux, T.M. Okello, E. Rutebemberwa, R. Tweheyo and M. English). Global Health Action,, December 2023
Development and validation of a new measurement instrument to assess internship experience of medical doctors in low-income and middle income countries. (C. Nicodemo et all). BMJ Global Health, November 2023
Examining the absorption of post-internship medical officers into the public sector at county-level in devolved Kenya: a qualitative case study (with Y. Zhao, D. Mbuthia, J. Munywoki, D. Gathara, J. Nzinga and M. English). BMC Health Services Research, August 2023
If my buddies use drugs, will I? Peer effects on substance consumption among teenagers (with C. Lopez-Mayan). Economics and Human Biology, August 2023
Studying informal care during the pandemic: mental health, gender and job status (with J. Madia and F. Moscone). Economics and Human Biology, August 2023
How do foundation year and internship experience shape doctors' career intentions and decisions? A meta-ethnography (with Y. Zhao, D. Mbuthia, C. Blacklock, D. Gathara, S. Molyneux and M. English). Medical Teacher, August 2023
The Effect of Immigration on Occupational Injuries: Evidence from Administrative Data (with C. Alacevich). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, July 2023
Gender bias in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders (with O. Alonso-Gelabert, M. Barcena-Veciana, V. Brumwell-Valsells and M. Cruañas-Baqué). Health Policy, June 2023
Characterising Kenyan hospitals' suitability for medical officer internship training: a secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional study (with Y. Zhao, B. Osano, F. Were, H. Kiarie, D. Gathara and M. English). BMJ Open, May 2023
Depression and anxiety during and after episodes of COVID-19 in the community (with C. Alacevich, I. Thalmann, S. de Lusignan and S. Petrou). Scientific Reports, Nature, May 2023
Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 episodes and Health-related Quality of Life (with C. Alacevich, I. Thalmann, S. de Lusignan and S. Petrou). Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, May 2023
Informal care, older people, and COVID-19: Evidence from the UK (with J. Madia and F. Moscone). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, November 2022
Doctors' Attitudes toward Specific Medical Conditions (with B. Scoles). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, October 2022
Effects of long-term care benefits on healthcare utilization in Catalonia (with H. Hernández-Pizarro, G. López-Casasnovas and M. Serrano-Alarcón). Journal of Health Economics, July 2022
Characterising hospitals' suitability for medical officer internship training in Kenya: analysis of the Kenya Harmonized Health Facility Assessment (with Zhao et al). BMJ open, May 2022
Diverging mental health after Brexit: evidence from a longitudinal survey (with C. Hervy, N. Cavalli and J.E. Madia). Social Science and Medicine, May 2022
Does unemployment worsen babies' health? A tale of siblings, maternal behaviour, and selection (with E. DeCao and B. McCormick). Journal of Health Economics, May 2022
Missing diagnoses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a year in review (with H. Pifarré-Arolas, J. Vidal-Alaball, J. Gil, F. López and M. Saez). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, May 2021
Analysis of trends in emergency and elective hospital admissions and hospital bed days (with S. Redding and R. Wittmberg). Social Science and Medicine, May 2021
The presence of care homes and excess deaths during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Italy (C. Alacevich, N. Cavalli, O. Giuntella, R. Lagravinese, F. Moscone). Health Economics, May 2021
Are more GPs associated with a reduction in emergency hospital admissions? A quantitative study on GP referral in England (with B. McCormick, R. Wittenberg and R. Hobbs). British Journal of General Practice, April 2021
Will policy to reduce referrals damage health - practice level evidence on referral and emergency admissions? (with B. McCormick and S. Redding). Social Science & Medicine, March 2021
Global years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries (with H. Pifarré, M. Myrskylä, A. Lo, E. Acosta, G. Lopez and T. Riffe). Scientific Reports, Nature, February 2021 (Media coverage: Libération, The Telegraph, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Mirror, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, El País, ABC, La Vanguardia)
Tools for measuring medical internship experience: a scoping review (with Y. Zhao, P. Musitia, M. Boga, D. Gathara, M. English). Human Resources for Health, January 2021
Population Vulnerability to Unexpected Health Shocks: Geographical Disparities in England at the Time of COVID-19 (S. Barzin, D. Lasserson, F. Moscone, S. Redding, M. Shaikh and N. Cavalli). BMJOpen, October 2020
Discontinuous System of Allowances: the Response of Pro-social Health-Care Professionals (with H. Pizzaro and G. Lopez). Journal of Public Economics, October 2020
Exploratory Data Analysis on large data sets, the example of salary variation in Spanish Social Security Data (with A. Satorra). Business Research Quarterly, September 2020
Modelling the dynamic effects of elective hospital admissions on emergency levels in England (with S. Jimenez and S. Redding). Empirical Economics, 2019
Does Juan Carlos or Nelson Obtain a Larger Price Discount in the Spanish Housing Market? (with J. Raya and D. McMillen). Urban Affairs Review, 2018
Immigration and the reallocation of work health risks (with O. Giuntella, F. Mazzonna and C. Vargas-Silva). Journal of Population Economics, 2018
The Effects of Immigration on NHS Waiting Times, (with O. Giuntella and C.Vargas-Silva). Journal of Health Economics, Volume 58, pp. 123-143, March 2018. (Media coverage: The Economist, The Huffington Post, The Independent, The Huffington Post II, London School of Economics Blog, BSG news)
Elective hospital admissions: secondary data analysis and modelling with an emphasis on policies to moderate growth (with B. McCormick). Health Services and Delivery Research, 2017
Transition and Duration in Disability: a New Evidence from Administrative Data (with G. Lopez Casasnova). Disability and Health Journal, January 2016
Job Search Channels, Neighborhood Effects and Wages Inequality in Developing Countries: The Colombian Case (with A. Garcia). The Developing Economies, 2015
The Transition from Vocational Education to Work: Evidence from Spain (with C. Lopez- Mayan). Revista de Economia Aplicada, 2015
A Spatial Panel Wage Curve for Spain (with R. Ramos and E. Sanromá). Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, June 2014
The Gender Pay Gap in the Australian Private Sector: Is Selection Relevant across the Wage Distribution? (with K. Chzhen and K. Mumford). The Economics Records, 2013
Change in the distribution of house prices across Spanish cities (with J. Raya). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013
Wage Differentials between Native and Immigrant Women in Spain: Accounting for Differences in the Supports (with R. Ramos). International Journal of Manpower, 2012
Book Chapters
Migration and Health During Covid-19 Period (with J. Madia). Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, edited by Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnicity and Inequality during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK (with S. Redding and J. Madia). The Economics of Covid-19, Vol. 296
Managing Health Shocks: An Analysis of the Italian Government Approach With the Covid-19 (with N. Cavalli and F. Moscone). The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe, Vol. 295
Policies and New Reforms to Address the Sustainability of the National Health Service and Adult Social Care in England (with Redding, S., Hobbs, R., C., Siciliani and L. and Wittenberg, R.). The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe, Vol. 295
Migration, Health and Well-Being: Models and Methods, (with O.Giuntella). Volume 294, Chapther 5- Health Econometrics Edited by: Badi H. Baltagi, Francesco Moscone, May 2018
The impact of immigration on health and health care: Evidence from the United Kingdom (with O. Giuntella and C. Vargas-Silva). in "Refugees and Economic Migrants: Facts, policies and challenges" edited by Francesco Fasani, VoxEu Book CEPR Press 2016
Policy Articles and Other Writings
Immigration may reduce the time you wait to see the doctor. (with O. Giuntella and C. Vargas-Silva), 2015
Informal job search channels: neighbours effects and wage inequality in Colombia. LaCea, November 2013
Childcare and mothers' labour supply in southern European countries. Voxeu, July 2009
Economic effects of integration policies of migrants. Paradigmes, Issue n. 2, June 2009
Lezioni di matematica finanziaria. C.I.S.U., Di Lazzaro M.,Roma, 1984, Ed. revision by C. Nicodemo (2006)
Pensioni: verso un patto europeo di stabilità? (with S. Coppini). IV Congresso Nazionale di Scienza e Tecnica delle Assicurazioni (2004)
Pension funds in EU enlargement. Isae (2003)
Inequalities and redistribution of income in Italy during the period 1970-1996. Isae (2002)
Cometa Pension fund: Benchmark and Reporting (with C. Mimeo), 2001